
  1. Connect Wallet: Click the button at the top-right to connect your wallet and sign in using Ethereum.
  2. Profile Setup: Click on your address at the top-right to configure your name, email address (for Gravatar photo), and social profiles.
  3. Buy $SHIT: Use the provided link in the account menu to purchase $SHIT.
  4. Share Progress: Share your daily game high scores in the account menu with friends and earn a place on the leaderboard.
  5. Play the Game: Go to the game and click the 💩. The more stars you earn, the bigger the discount you'll achieve when buying $SHIT through our website.

Start playing and maximize your discounts!


Shitcoin Faucet

Shitcoin Toilet


0.0000 $SHITBase $SHIT Price100.0000%(loading price)

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